January Show & Tell

Our guild members were very busy over the holiday and many projects were finished.  Our zoom guild meetings have a show & tell slideshow to show off the talent of our quilters.  Hope you enjoy the photos.  

November Show & Tell

Now that we are in the fall weather everyone has some extra time to spend at their sewing machines and we had a lot of quilts to view at our latest zoom meeting.  Our guild has talented ladies who are making quilts for their friends and family along with generous donations to our community quilts program and placemats for meals on wheels.  We have an active guild with wonderful speakers each month, sewing days and workshops in person and zoom, if you are looking for a guild and would like to join us for a meeting please contact us for more information [email protected]

May Show & Tell

Our May 11th meeting had Karen Brown from www.justgetitdonequilts.com as the speaker.  She gave a terrific presentation on being the best quilter you can be.  Many hints and suggestions on how to organize our fabric and projects and how to find motivation to finish projects that have been put to the side.

Our guild members sent in photos of their completed May projects.


March 2021 Show & Tell

Tanis W.
Tanis W.
Maureen M.
Maureen M.
Maureen M.
Maureen M.
Terry V. - quilt front
Terry V. - quilt back
Heidi V.
Heidi V.
Tracy H.
Tracy H.
Tracy H.
Tracy H.
Tracy H.

Have a look at the slide show of our guild members latest quilts and projects.

Our March 9th guild meeting was held via zoom.  Our speaker for the evening was Sonya Oblak and our members enjoyed listening to her process of finding thrifted fabrics; what and where to look for fabrics suitable for quilting.  We enjoyed the many photos of her projects.